Boost your website's similarweb public profile!

Drive high-quality traffic to you website tracked by most popular web-analytics services.
No bots, no fraud — only 100% real visitors.
Completely save for Google Analytics and Adsense or any other analytics systems.

What will I receive?

10`000 —

Any amount of unique visitors per month.

Any country

If you need specific GEO targeting — just let us know.

100% real visitors

We don't use any fraud or bot technologies — only real visitors.

Direct / Referral

You can choose the traffic to be only direct, only referral or mixed

Desktop / Mobile

You can choose the traffic to be only mobile, only desktop or mixed

Low-level server load

We provide custom php-script to avoid high-load of your web-server.



visits per month


visits per month


visits per month


visits per month


visits per month

Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of web ratings and aggregators use traffic metrics to rank websites. So boosting your website's public profile is a good way to rank better.
    To setup a landing page for our traffic you have three options:
  • 1. Install our PHP-script in a separate folder of your website that fetches content from our server. We strongly advice you to use this option.
  • 2. Install static HTML-version of our script in a separate folder of your website as well. De-obfuscated source version is also available.
  • 3. Find the most stable, lightweight and fast-loading page of your website. In this case we cannot guarantee full traffic deliverance as far as we cannot guarantee that this page loads fast enough for visitors to reach it.